
@_UhMayZhing_ an australian sorry ill be more detailed next time :)


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Hey bub!
          I miss you all the time, making every second I spend with you memorable and one to cherish. You have listened to my shit, like all the time, and always seem to know when to change a subject. When I've needed you, your there or on your way, when i see you, you always make me feel loved. You make me feel special, and I love you for that.
          No matter what happens I will never forget you, and also I'm going to be dedicating pretty much every chapter of my book no ones perfect. If I write other books, I'll be sure to dedicate all the first chapter to you. :-) 
          You are beautiful, and I know I say I don't believe you when you compliment me, but i somehow do, and it brightens my day. I am fairly sure you are the one person who can make me laugh more than anyone else, in the whole friggen world.
          You are irreplacable and I hope I am to you. Never forget our moments.
          If you were to loose your memory, I would make you remember me, by relaying everything we have ever done together... but that may take a while, it would be worth it, however... try to not loose your memoryO:-) 
          I have written all I really need to get down.
          Just remember...
          I love you
          Your so pretty, beautiful, gorgeous
          I... am not gonna say I can't live without you, because I could... but I would never want to, you mean too much to me for me to let you go!
          Thats it for now...
          Love you, so much, its funny and would hurt if you weren't there to feel my love... damn! I am so corny right now... put a h on the front of that word! Haha typical me.
          Love you, bye babe!!
          Xox RaRa
          Your beloved DINO