
Replica has a new cover- AND a new prologue! Give it a read if you're curious to see what I'm doing with it. Over the next few weeks I aim to massively retool (especially early) parts of the story to better fit with my characters, theme, and setting. Happy reading! 


Replica has a new cover- AND a new prologue! Give it a read if you're curious to see what I'm doing with it. Over the next few weeks I aim to massively retool (especially early) parts of the story to better fit with my characters, theme, and setting. Happy reading! 


I don't know if ANYONE is still out there, but we're getting the ball rolling again with a full project overhaul. A lot of the current draft of my novel here is slated to be rewritten (had a bit of an artistic epiphany) and I have some nice new cover art courtesy of my artist friend (hence the new avatar/banner). Expect more in the next 1-2 days.


"Still around" is relative I suppose xD I haven't been on here in months. Don't think my story captured much of an audience here. But I'm looking forward to see what you have cooking.


@TeamContract It's good to be working on this again for sure. Glad to see you're still around as well.


@TripFoalins Nice to see you back!