
The temptation to just rewrite the entirety if Ben 10 justice leaguer is so strong, it's like it has manifested into real life and is now trying to suffocate me just to ensure that I'll actually do it LMAOO


@ Treespring  alright than and dont push yourself that hard buddy remember to cut some slac for yourself well see ya


@DENZARDAACAY oh, no, no, no. I still am going to update that book, it's just gonna take me time, is all, cos of School, deadlines, etc. I'm not really one to discontinue something I wrote, so there's no need worry about that. 


The temptation to just rewrite the entirety if Ben 10 justice leaguer is so strong, it's like it has manifested into real life and is now trying to suffocate me just to ensure that I'll actually do it LMAOO


@ Treespring  alright than and dont push yourself that hard buddy remember to cut some slac for yourself well see ya


@DENZARDAACAY oh, no, no, no. I still am going to update that book, it's just gonna take me time, is all, cos of School, deadlines, etc. I'm not really one to discontinue something I wrote, so there's no need worry about that. 


Excuse me Treespring can you please make a story about Lincoln in Hazbin hotel and helluva boss crossover but make sure the loud sisters and parents are suffering from the things they did to Lincoln make sure they are torture in pain for their sins and don't forget about the friends and the lovers they both betrayed Lincoln as well because he was bad luck but now they are in here for the consequence for there sins to feel pain and suffering from the things they did to Lincoln make sure of it if not I understand 


It's alright but how about this ben 10 omnivores in monster high


this message may be offensive
@brnstin  Sorry it took me so long to reply, but holy shit, did you write a huge chunk of a request. 
            Not that I hate it! Don't get me wrong now! But, I didn't reply simply because I had no idea what helluva boss and Hazbin Hotel was, at that point of time. 
            Again, I mean no offense, I just tend to forget replying messages when I don't really get the topic of them — sorry. 
            And, um, sorry to say, but I don't think I particularly want to write this fic request, no offence. Don't get me wrong now. The concept is great and all, but the torture bit for characters is just not my cup of tea (if you get what I mean). Maybe someone else would want to write that? Again, sorry for the late reply, and I hope you understand where I'm coming from. 


My wattpad is glitching again, so can anyone tell me if 'a promise kept' is posted or not, because the app keeps telling me it's not 


@Treespring okay, it should be fixed now 


@Treespring shoot, give me a moment