
Hey guys! So for the next chapter of The Secret YouTuber I'm going to be putting in a whole bunch of YouTubers and they will be the last ones entering. The list is: Zoe, Alfie, Gabby, Joe, Grace, Chester, Colleen (Miranda), Joshua, Dan, Phil, Louise, Matt, Lucy, Lydia, Hannah, Sarah (Swike), Mamrie, Sacony Joly's (prob spelt that wrong soz), Marcus, Niomie (spelt that wrong too), Tanya, Jim, Tyler, Troye and Connor.
          	I probably spelt like all the names wrong but it's 11:30pm and my phone doesn't have auto correct or anything. If you want me to add anyone else I will try and see if I can, just comment on this thing (if that's possible) or on the last chapter of The Secret YouTuber. I will leave this for about two-ish days (deyes hahahaha) until I will continue writing with the chosen YouTubers. 
          	Have a happy holiday everyone!!!!! 
          	xoxo~ Styl


Hey guys! So for the next chapter of The Secret YouTuber I'm going to be putting in a whole bunch of YouTubers and they will be the last ones entering. The list is: Zoe, Alfie, Gabby, Joe, Grace, Chester, Colleen (Miranda), Joshua, Dan, Phil, Louise, Matt, Lucy, Lydia, Hannah, Sarah (Swike), Mamrie, Sacony Joly's (prob spelt that wrong soz), Marcus, Niomie (spelt that wrong too), Tanya, Jim, Tyler, Troye and Connor.
          I probably spelt like all the names wrong but it's 11:30pm and my phone doesn't have auto correct or anything. If you want me to add anyone else I will try and see if I can, just comment on this thing (if that's possible) or on the last chapter of The Secret YouTuber. I will leave this for about two-ish days (deyes hahahaha) until I will continue writing with the chosen YouTubers. 
          Have a happy holiday everyone!!!!! 
          xoxo~ Styl