Ellos! IT'S A ME, KATELYN! How are you? Don't actual answer that. ... Are you still reading this? *Sigh* Well as the stalker you are I should probably tell you a little about me, I mean, that's why you're still reading this, right? Anywho I like any color green but I prefer faded greens more than others, I love One Direction, wolves, owls, drawing, writing (obviously), being random, PewDiePie *Brofist*, Tobuscus, Shane Dawson, lots of other youtubers, Adventure Time and so much more.

I dream to be an author one day but for now this is what I have. My other account is: @Holothewolf

I'll add more later, Tori will write her half below so till then PEACE!

HHEEEY PEOPELS!! (WARNING: Tori has gotten a hold of the keyboard I repeat Tori has gotten hold of the keyboard abort abort!!)

My other account : @Jezabellwolf
Ok so I'm a random, crazy, sarcastic, spaz that LOVES music, food (bacon the most), One Direction, and animals (Wolves are my all time favorite though I love horse back riding a lot!)
And since you're stalking me right now by reaidn gthis I should put a few facst just in case you ver meet me and get on my bad side, (Mario voice) here we go! ^.^

If I'm angry with u: Give me bacon
If I'm not angry with u: Give me bacon
If I have broken something of urs and u're angry at me and want me to go away: Give me bacon
If u are a guy and u want me to like you: Give me bacon
If u are a girl and u want me to be friends with you: Give me bacon
If u want to be my boyfriend then are going to propose to me: Give me CHOCOLATE covered bacon and coffee
If I have invaded your home and am trashing the pace: Give me bacon and call Kate
If I start yelling NARP: Give me bacon unless dying is cool with u
If I hit u and u want to hit me back: Give me bacon and don't hit me unless Kate is there to save u
If u are taken aback when I rarely cuss in my fanfics: Give me bacon and let me know
If I have misspelled something now or in a fanfic: I don't care give me bacon
  • Raiding your fridge
  • JoinedOctober 29, 2013
