
Sorry to all the people who followed me and i haven't followed them bank until now. My phone was being dumb and wouldn't let me follow ANYONE ugh! Im sorry it took so long everyone
          	Tor-Tor ❤❤


Hiya, I just came across your account mysteriously and you seem really cool, I really like what you added at the bottom of your bio too ~ you're gorgeous as well just thought of saying ~ I saw what you commented on another story about yourself and I'm just seeing (although the you don't know me) if you're alright... Ahh sorry for this long post but I had to, have a good day :) 


No problemo ~ thanks for the follow it is much appreciated :) - and no pressure at all I've published  a story called I hated you - and if you've got any criticism for me it'll be much appreciated ~ have a good day :D x 


            Hey thanks for following me! Thanks for checking on me, but i promise you that I'm perfectly fine (i dont know exactly which story you're refering to) and thats really sweet of you. Thanks again!