
Hello, everyone! Chapter 7 is finally done! I'm going to edit and revise a little, and it'll be out tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning EST (-5:00 UTC). Hope you all enjoy!


Hi everyone! Thank you so much for 400 reads on Pokémon: NF! You have no idea how much it means to me! Ive gotten so far as of yet, and we’re not even to the first gym! So, I’ll make sure to release the new chapter either tonight of tomorrow. See y’all then!


Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates! I’ve been busy with tests in school, and I’ve had a bunch of homework piled on my shoulders. I’m working on Chapter 6 currently, and I’ll try to get it out before the end of the month! 
          Another thing to add, Pokemon: New Frontiers was accidentally listed as Complete, when this was not the case at all. Sorry for any potential confusion! See you all soon!


I’ve hit 200 reads on my book already! It’s been out for just over a month, yet we’ve already hit such a large milestone! I couldn’t be more happy, and as a result, I’ll get to work on the next chapter asap, and make it extra long and special :D