
Hello people. I guess I need to announce, again, that I’m not dead. I have been inactive, but not dead. I swear. I have just started school again and my brain isn’t really mentally ready to deal with it. I have updated The Thunder and Lightning Riders. I am going to do my best to continue to update and cont I use writing.


@Toothles_IsToothy please update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter


Hello people. I guess I need to announce, again, that I’m not dead. I have been inactive, but not dead. I swear. I have just started school again and my brain isn’t really mentally ready to deal with it. I have updated The Thunder and Lightning Riders. I am going to do my best to continue to update and cont I use writing.


@Toothles_IsToothy please update soon!! Can't wait for the next chapter


I gues I should probably say that I am not dead. I got back from my vacation a while back (sorry) and I started school again. I’m not going to be updating frequently, also, I need to know wether I should put my HTTYD book on pause, and start editing it, or I finish it then edit it. Let me know.


@Toothles_IsToothy finish it first then edit it. Makes it easier on you and the readers. It's like a director's cut for a movie


Hey people. I am currently on a trip, so don’t expect me to to do any updates or editing to my story’s. Sorry. I will be gone for the next 2 weeks. 
          Bye. ❤️ 


Thank you guys so much for 2.5K reads! I’m so sorry for not updating or posting any new chapters, (still counting the days until school ends.) I’m really trying to get better about that. Thank you guys so much for all the support these past few months, I really can’t explain how grateful I am for everyone who read my story, commented, and voted. Thank you guys so much. 
          Peace out ❤️


Hello people! So for anyone who reads my story, The Thunder and Lightning Riders, I am so sorry! I said that I was going to get out at least 2 to 3 chapters but I’m not even finished with my first one for break. My break is now over and I promise that I will get this chapter out as quickly as possible. When I started the book, I expected to have a lot more time on my hands, but know 17 chapters in, I realize I don’t have that much. Counting down the days till school ends and I have time to post. Again I’m so sorry. Peace out.