Hello there! If you're reading this, congratulations for discovering absolutely nothing! Don't worry, I'm just kidding! ...Kind of. You see, I created this account for the sole purpose of following my friend, @AbbeTheWriter32 , and reading her stories. I have begun editing some of them as well, and now she gives me credit, and refers to me as her "editor and co-author" in the descriptions of ones I have collaborated with her on. That being said, if you are in fact reading this, my guess is more likely than not, you found me through her. 
Unfortunately, as of right now, I'm not using this account to post anything. BUT, as I gain more confidence in my ability as a writer, not just an editor, and have more spare time on my hands, I may start using this site to post some of my own stuff in the future... I'm talking many, many years down the road though, since I'm only a high school senior... I've got time. :P

The reality is, I can't give anybody a single reason to want to follow me, when I am not posting anything and don't plan on doing so anytime soon; but, if you actually do click follow, all I have to say is, your act of goodwill has NOT gone unnoticed! (Also, I'll probably follow you back...)

Thanks for taking the time to read, and I hope I let you down somewhat easily... ;)
  • Üye olduJanuary 10, 2017

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