
this message may be offensive
I just finished the new episodes of tiger & bunny and I'm fucking sobbing. I dont think there couldn't have been a more perfect way to end it than how it did. 
          	So now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go finish my cry session
          	Good day to you all


With the way they were setting up Barnaby’s leg problem I was half-expecting him to die and Kotestu go on a rampage or sumthin- either way perfect ending T-T


@Toki_isdone I feel sorry for you 


this message may be offensive
I just finished the new episodes of tiger & bunny and I'm fucking sobbing. I dont think there couldn't have been a more perfect way to end it than how it did. 
          So now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go finish my cry session
          Good day to you all


With the way they were setting up Barnaby’s leg problem I was half-expecting him to die and Kotestu go on a rampage or sumthin- either way perfect ending T-T


@Toki_isdone I feel sorry for you 


So I joined a fanfiction authors discord server, this server has over 3k members 
          And so I thought "there's so many people in this server, there's sure to be at least a few that are in to these fandoms (the fandoms were magic, ninjago, and tiger & bunny)...
          Nope not once were they even mentioned in the server ToT


Honestly, this is why I never joined any servers… everyone there always talks about bit hit anime’s like MHA or Demon Slayer… don’t get me wrong, I LOVE those shows, but sometimes the shows that don’t get as much attention are the ones really are worth the watch. 
            In the bit hit anime’s, I can tell there was a lot of thought put into them, but… as you probably know, I really enjoy the emotion a story brings. That’s one of the main reasons I love the Ninjago movie because it focuses on the bond/s between not only Lloyd and his dad but also his friends and HIMSELF. The show never really picked up on Lloyd’s relationships with the other ninja’s, and that kinda… sucks. 
            Most of the big hit anime’s, it takes a while for me to really see the emotion they bring. I love Demon Slayer because I could see the emotion of Tanjiro’s suffering, but with MHA… I can’t seem to find Deku’s emotion… anywhere? 
            Anyway, that’s why I stick to writing about small anime’s or shows, because I know they don’t get a lot of attention and I want to change that! :)


Magi* God damnit autocorrect


Just finished binging all the released episodes of the new Lego ninjago season and I must say I am LOVING IT SO FAR
          *Warning spoilers ahead for those who haven't watched it or are planning to watch it*
          (Was kinda hoping we'd get to see garmadon this season but I doubt we will, but eh it's OK I'm still gonna really enjoy this new season)
          The "new ninja" kinda piss me off ngl


Just re-watched the lego ninjago movie and I must say, watching it now after seeing all the recent seasons is like a breath of fresh air, don't get me wrong I love the show and stuff but with all the dark cliffhangers and stuff like that it's really refreshing to get a final happy ending at least once in a while 
          I personally like this movie even more than the first time I watched it, the concept is great and it would make for an amazing show (tho I'm quite contempt with it just staying as a movie)
          Koko, I love her so much, in my opinion, she is a way better mother than Misako (if you've watched the movie then I don't feel I need to explain why)
          And garmadon, it's nice seeing him not all serious and stuff (tho most of the movie is not serious) 
          Also I love his character in this, he's just so funny
          I love that in the end he tried to become a better father for Lloyd
           Also I found most of the jokes really funny
          For a movie that was made for advertisement purposes, I found it to be pretty good
          This movie has such fanfic potential
          So don't be surprised if I start posting lego ninjago (both show and movie) fics in the future (one is already in the making rn)


@-HTTP_ULIAN yeah zane was probably one of the major issues I had with the movie, he was just so... ROBOTIC, and yeah I know he's a robot but still he was so un like zane
            The other characters personality  changes didnt bother me to much cuz they were smaller and less obvious,  but zane... he was just so different, and yeah I get the movie isnt the show but still I feel like they could have atleast tried to match movie zanes personality to show zanes atleast a bit


I never got around to watching the movie until about a few months after its release, and I’ve rarely watched it since. Not because I hated it, it’s a really good movie, but mostly because - like you said- it felt like a “fanfic” to me. A really good written fanfic. It’s like one of those fanfic’s that you read once and found it again a few months later and fell in love with it again. The biggest flaw I’d have the say the movie had that I HATED was how they changed the other ninjas characters a little. ESPECIALLY ZANE. OMG HOW DO YOU MESS THAT UP— But overall it was an all rounded good experience that I loved as a Ninjago fan. 
            I feel like the movie was loved by Ninjago fans more than just “Lego” fans, because the characters, the story, had a close connection to our heart because of the show. When we look at what the movie did well in comparison to the show, it’s more respectable and interesting to watch, even when some things are hot garbage (cough cough, Zane’s character, cough cough) 
            My favorite scene would have to be when Lloyd’s arm fell off (representing him dislocating his shoulder if he weren’t a lego) and Garmadon is just like, “Oh gosh I wish your mother were here.” And Lloyd just responded with, “YOU GOTTA DO IT DAD. YOU JUST GOTTA DO IT.” I laughed so hard at that scene on my first viewing LMAO


I'm sorry I wont be able to post this week, I got grounded and my parents took away my tablet (which is what I use to update) so I wont be able to update till I get it back, I apologize for the inconvenience


@Toki_isdone don't worry about that, and just take your time, the time you get your tablet back.


I'm sorry I know I said I'd update (I was supposed to last week) but I dont think I'll update till next week the reason is a classmate of mine passed on Friday and I just found out, and one of my teachers also passed last week, so I'm going to take a few days to process things, I'll try an update next week, I hope you understand and i apologize for not updating as frequently as I'd like to.


@Toki_isdone You're welcome, I understand that it can be hard.


@-HTTP_ULIAN @Ooka-chan thank you both it really means alot to me, hopefully everyone who was effected by this will be able to get through it eventually, and again thank you both for understanding.


@Toki_isdone I am very sorry for you and the people who died, hoping that you will recover soon. I wish you the best for the future so that it does not happen again.