
What's that? A Deception chapter? On another cliffhanger? That's right! I finally sat down to write XD We're three more chapters to the middle of the book (and the chapter I keep procrastinating, pesky thing XD), which, after that's done, things *should* pick up (because I don't have to write THAT CHAPTER anymore *sweats*) 
          	"She and I, we were someone powerful and deadly and feared by the public taken from our whelping den to here, Deception’s 'nest of vipers'...
          	...Wraith stands in the middle of the room, back to the windows, shoulders heaving for breath. Smoke shrouds her form like static hums in my mind."


What's that? A Deception chapter? On another cliffhanger? That's right! I finally sat down to write XD We're three more chapters to the middle of the book (and the chapter I keep procrastinating, pesky thing XD), which, after that's done, things *should* pick up (because I don't have to write THAT CHAPTER anymore *sweats*) 
          "She and I, we were someone powerful and deadly and feared by the public taken from our whelping den to here, Deception’s 'nest of vipers'...
          ...Wraith stands in the middle of the room, back to the windows, shoulders heaving for breath. Smoke shrouds her form like static hums in my mind."


Hey! I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth! Life’s just gotten quite busy. Here’s a few updates:
          Blank Slate is still under veeeery slow editing and expansion. However, these things have been put on the back burner.
          Deception is still underway! I have the next chapter halfway done and should be out before June, maybe.
          A Fallen HomeKin reached 6K!! Y’all are awesome! In celebration, I’m writing a POV bonus chapter. It’s also roughly halfway done and should be out soon.
          Portrait requesters: I’ve been facing art block and time constraints, but I’m working through your requests as quick as I can manage. Hopefully deliveries should be going out by the end of the month.
          Further developments: between everything going on, I am working on a new story offline! This one is about Drao’s story set in Fralith’s homeworld. It’s still in the plotting stages, so no timeline for release, but keep an eye out :D.
          That’s all for now. Thank to everyone who’s been sticking around and reading! You’re all the best ❤️ ✨


Hey! As many of you know, Wattpad is nuking DMs, which is a big pain for everyone. In light of this, I had to change my method of delivery for Portraits to Discord (personal server solely for deliveries), Tumblr (solely for deliveries), and Instagram (still arranging that one) and maybe a Google Drive.
          I am trying to give as many safe options as possible and avoid having *anyone* having to give personal or sensitive information. If none of these options are viable to you, please reach out to me and we’ll work something out.
          I have also updated Portraits to follow a batch-by-batch system where I will only be accepting THREE forms (for characters) at a time. Therefore, it is a first-come-first-serve now so if you want a commission, keep your eyes peeled! I’ll be announcing each time I’m ready for a new batch.
          That is all! All the best for you and your day ❤️


Do you claim to have the best book cover design? And the most impressive chapter titles as well?
          If you're confident in your work, why not enter it in the TENACITY MINI AWARDS? This is your chance to win the grand prize!
          We're eagerly anticipating your participation!
             with your host: @graceunaltered


It's been awhile since I've done this, but here's an award! Slots are filling up :D


@avadel Yeah, super hero fits best there ^^. Me too! All the best ❤️


Most people slot super heroes into sci fi anyway. Look forward to competing!


@avadel Blank Slate and Sci-Fi! I figured Fantasy would be full by now, haha


It’s here! The official discord for all my stories is now live!   It’s hosted in Writers’ Kingdom, which is a Discord which gives authors individual spaces in which they can share all things about their universes as well as general hangout channels. There’s all sorts of wonderful authors there like @avadel , @SpruceWolf , @TheConfusedTurtle , and more!
          If you’re interested in behind-the-scenes work, sneak-peeks into upcoming projects, art of all kinds, world-building, and brain-scramble thoughts about life and the universe (i.e., general sillies from my chaotic brain) from me, hop on over to wandering-stars! It’s the kingdom at the bottom :D


"'She’s controlling you.' Wraith’s raspy voice breaks into my thoughts like the rattle and crinkle of a snake’s old shed skin."
          That's right folks, it's Deception update!! We're officially five chapters away from the middle, where, hopefully, it'll be faster to write :D I'm excited to start on the next chapters and get down to the real fun stuff because boy, do I have some drama planned...


Hey, what's this? An update to Deception? That's right! I finally got my stuff together and wrote a chapter while procrastinating on my ONC ideas :D
          "I am left in the dark, she’s wrong, she’s wrong, she’s wrong spiraling in the storm in my head. And in the eye of the storm, where nothing is touched, is a patch of rich purple ivy." 

          I have slowly come to realize that Deception is not going to be like any story I've ever written. Elias is somewhat of an unreliable narrator, Deceptions is, well Deception, and even the nature of writing is changing from how I usually do things. It's going to take a long while to write right, heh. Right now, I'm working on Trash Fire First Draft (that is bad enough I can't post in good conscience) and slowly rewriting into something readable. I hope ya'll are in for the long run :D
          In other news, I *may* be doing ONC, depending if I can settle on an idea. So far I'm leaning towards the prompts: "I will become monstrous as I must" and "Your greatest fear is Monsters in the Dark. You never expected to be come the Monster in the Dark." But we'll have to see!


@ToWolfKin oooh can't wait for what you think up!