
I decided I couldn’t wait any longer and I want to post the revised version sooner than the end of October. 
          	So I’m excited to announce that the first chapter of the revised Muj Milacek will be out later today!! I look forward to going on this journey with you all a second time!
          	I’ll be posting the first five chapters over the next five days, but then I’m going on vacation so it will be less frequent updates until I get back. 


I decided I couldn’t wait any longer and I want to post the revised version sooner than the end of October. 
          So I’m excited to announce that the first chapter of the revised Muj Milacek will be out later today!! I look forward to going on this journey with you all a second time!
          I’ll be posting the first five chapters over the next five days, but then I’m going on vacation so it will be less frequent updates until I get back. 


Hey, so I remember you saying something along the lines of adding new stuff to your viktor x reader story and I was hoping I could suggest some bonding moments between Mila and Jayce, seeing as they aren't so awkward around eachother after being friends for meny years. I'd also just like to see how you would write out their friendship dynamic. (P.S:I love your writing and can't wait to see what else you do with this story.) (Sorry if there was any bad spelling or grammar in this)


Thank you for the input! I will see what I can do :)
जवाब दें


I know I don’t post here often but I had something I wanted to ask:
          I’m currently working on updating/editing Muj Milacek because I like to think my writing has improved since I first posted (story will remain the same, but I may add some parts and the quality will be going up I hope!) but would people prefer I post a new story or should I update the chapters on the original story? I think all the comments wouldn’t be attached to the right part that way but what would people prefer?
          Thank you for your input! Your comments and likes always make my day ❤️❤️


@viennalastair Thank you so much!!! I’m so happy you liked it :) I’ll be posting new chapters the 16 days leading up to Arcane season 2, just need the date for that now 


@ Tired-Truffle  Nice!! I love the idea and I'm really looking forward to the new version (PLEASE NETFLIX, GIVE US A DATE, I'M DYING TO KNOW)




Just re read muj milacek for the 3rd time! It’s definitely one of my favorite fics that I’ve ever read. It’s so sad that there aren’t many other full Viktor fanfics on here! Thanks for writing such an amazing one and I hope that there will eventually be a sequel!!


And yes there will be a sequel when season 2 comes out!
जवाब दें


Thank you so much!! You made my day ❤️❤️ I’m so happy you liked it enough to read it 3 times 
जवाब दें


When will season 2 of arcane return from the war 
          I want to write more mila and Viktor so bad!


It’s so crazy that we’ve just hit over 10k on my first book Muj Milacek! Thank you for all your support!! You guys are the best 


@dawnthemunchkin Thank you ❤️ I’ll be posting a sequel when the next season comes out!! 
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 Sequel when?? My favorite book eee <3
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Does anyone have any tips on how to get my Lokixreader fic seen? I’m still new to Wattpad and I’m not sure if I’m tagging it wrong or if its just not a story people want to read, which is totally fine, I’ll finish it anyway cause Im enjoying writing it  But if anyone has and tips I’d love to hear them!!


@DustyGalaxy07 thank you, those are some good tips and points! Loki hasn’t been in anything for a bit and there are so many stories on here with him! I always just worry that I’ve messed up with publishing somehow lol
जवाब दें


@Tired-Truffle but I do think it all has to do with the demand and what characters are in popularity atm and what character have very few fics. But do not think this means your story won't get attention. Loki is a very popular character and therefore people will find your fic eventually 
जवाब दें


@Tired-Truffle I honestly don't know. The story I have written has to deal with an anime character and so the tags and such are different. But tags I've used for mine are like, the characters first name and then their full name as well as using "fantasy" and "fantasy-romance" 
            However I don't know how you get stories to be seen quickly. I think it's all a matter of time as patience.
            I would also like to note my story has a character that not many have written about so the demand was a little higher for mine and had less competition 
जवाब दें


Thank you to everyone who reads, comments on, votes for, and adds Muj Milacek to your reading lists!! You all make my day and I can’t believe the reception its getting ❤️ Thank you all so much for your support, you help me continue motivating myself to write 
          Im sos excited to write the sequel