
Sometimes there's a cute scene where you skip to the end and I'm like "NO! I NEED TO SEE THE FLUFF!!" (Like with the water ballon fight), but you never fail to make it up with a different cute scene. So I forgive you (lol). 
          I overall LOVE your writing and the style of it! This book is AMAZING, and I hope you update soon!!!!! ^.^
          FYI: I have never-and I mean NEVER- complimented an author like this before. This is just so good I had to tell you!!!! XD
          (It was taking too long to send through the comments section-lol). 


Tristan-I can't explain it!- but him and every other character just seems so REAL. Like, you hit their personalities perfectly, it's so great it's unexplainable!
          The plot makes sense, you don't write random things to try and make your book funny or whatever. (Though sometimes you do go off topic, but it's in a nice way -like with Mai's fashion show:)). 
          Things aren't rushed, and you have nice long and cute chapters-which I always enjoy. 


Mokuba seems like a normal little boy-who can be responsible at times- not like a mini Seto who is really immature (yet mature at the same time) like most other authors write him as. He's not random at all.
          Seto, I can actually believe that he would have so much trouble admitting his feelings that he would say that he hated Joey instead of saying that he kinda likes him and can stand him.
          Joey seems so-it's hard to describe- REAL. He still cares for his father, which is realistic, and it's not for some random reason at all. He's not overdramatic at all with things such as his abusive father. Every other (exaggerating-but most)  author makes him and everyone else a bit OOC, but I can see this really happening.
          You hit their personalities head on!


Hey author! Just wanted to let you know I frikin love you and you story, 'To Save A Puppy'!!!! 
          The way you write is so realistic! And none of the characters are OOC and I can imagine how Seto would react to these kind of things, as well as Joey, and even Tristan. Everyone just seems like real people! Their reactions and what they say just seems so much like real life! 
          The little details are there, and I can make a perfect little movie inside my head. I like how you write everything!