
You are scared of improvement because you cannot change.


Cookie cutter sharks. They're small,  and don't kill their prey....at least not immediately.  If the name wasn't clear,  they take a couple bites out of the side of their victims,  and that's it. They're rather small,  and their main food source is seals.


Sea bunnies you guys! Cute, invasive, and hungry fuckers, just like us! Lion fish are also very  invasive in the Atlantic coastal, and Caribbean Sea! As well as ivy!


For clarification, the ivy did not invade the water. It was brought to America to look pretty on the porches of houses,  and ended up strangling the trees.


So. Lemme say this. Orcas. Are dolphins. They are in the category of dolphin. Technically,  they are also a whale because dolphins are a subcategory that's toothed whale,  but they are a dolphin.  Also! Please don't go to sea world! They get their teeth drilled out for "safety"reasons! And if they ever went into the wild with this handicap again they would starve to death! Please and thank you.


Dolphins have these nifty little things called melons. No,  not like the fruit XD. It's located in their head, and is used as underwater echolocation. It's like......ok,  so you know how you can cup your hands and shout and it will sound louder? The point is, the melon basically concentrates their clicks and other noises and "shoots" the sound into the water. If the sound "wave" (eeeeyyyyyy) reaches something,  a sound wave will bounce back to the dolphin, alerting it to general shape,  pretty accurate location and if it sends it multiple clicks,  where it's going.  The melon itself is pretty much very specialized fat, maybe fatty tissue. Eh. I'm not an expert. But look it up its really cool!