
Ahh! 750 followers! Thank you guys so much! I love each and every one of you :*


So it's been awhile since I've looked at MoonClan's Prophecy so I have decided that since it's Spring Break and I now have a ridiculous amount of time to myself, I'm going to edit it!
          I want to completely edit the entire thing, and then go through it on wattpad and just repaste the new edited copy.
          Here's some things that will be changed
          - New scenes! I'm going to add a few new scenes to make the book flow better.
          - The sisters are keeping their powers. I've said before they won't be, but I  have changed my mind.
          - Grammar, obviously. Some of this stuff was written when I was a 13 years old. Yeah.
          - A few characters' names might change. Trust me, it's for the better. But don't worry, it will be minor characters!
          So you might want to plan to reread the novel sometime soon ;) You'll find some new surprises to look forward to!
          Have a nice week, and for those of you on Spring Break or will be soon, stay safe!


Guys! MoonClan's Prophecy has been COMPLETED! The final chapter has been posted, along with the Epilogue and a little author's note.
          I am so ecstatic to finally have finished a project. I love all of you and I thank you all for helping me come this far!


@TigerHood hello i hope u like my stories


I will read it! I'm sorry for the late reaction but i'm really busy. To make my own books you kwow..


You are quite an inspiration! I read some of your book and it was really interesting! And I was wondering if you would be interested in a contest I'm having, two of them actually! A Drawing and Short Story Writing and I was wondering if you would like to be a judge for one of them. Or if you like you can also compete but this is only an offer. If your busy and deny I understand :3


@blu7dragon (I previously posted this using the wrong account, I apologize)
            Hi! And thanks for the compliments! :) I would love to judge for your competition and I'm flattered that you offered, but however I have a pretty busy summer planned and I just don't really have the time :/ I have a habit of starting things and taking forever on them, and I feel that if I tried judging your competition, I would be procrastinating and it would be frustrating for all of us, more so for you. I might try to join your contest as a contestant however! Again, thank you for the offer, but I fear I will have to decline. I do hope all goes well with your contests! :)


          Okay, it's been ages since I've updated and I know i promised that last chapter to y'all, but I've been really busy with another huge project that I am working on on my other account @Deadist, so I am sooo sorry :/
          BUT GOOD NEWS. I am going to work on the last chapter and editing the entire thing this weekend! It's a three day weekend so hopefully I can achieve a lot and get most, if not all, of it completed.
          ALSO I am going to cut off some of chapter 21 to go into chapter 22 because 1) chapter 21 is actually really long compared to the others and 2) im not very creative and don't have much else planned for 22. It's just going to be a closing chapter to wrap up the lose ends, so...
          Anyway, I'm going to get that done and I will TRY to post it up soon!