
Guys gals and non binary pals- I realise I've been absent tfor a while but college has been crazy, I have: a playscript to learn, another playschool to learn and another 2 to write, to learn a monologue, to write and learn another monologue, learn 2 songs and a dance so... I've also been tied up with my 2 jobs and trying to get another job, alongside looking after my puppy but, I've just published a new book 


Guys gals and non binary pals- I realise I've been absent tfor a while but college has been crazy, I have: a playscript to learn, another playschool to learn and another 2 to write, to learn a monologue, to write and learn another monologue, learn 2 songs and a dance so... I've also been tied up with my 2 jobs and trying to get another job, alongside looking after my puppy but, I've just published a new book 


Just started a new story to share my new found love for digital art to you all. I've just started doing them so don't judge to fiercely. Hope you get around to seeing it.


@Peachyanimelover thank you so much. You're on so many views aswell and that's amazing. Thank you :|)


If it’s anything like your other stories I’m sure it’ll be incredible to read.
            Speaking of your other stories - YOU’VE ALMOST REACHED 100K VIEWS!! Congrats, I’m so happy for you!!! :)


Schools closed from Friday, my God darn GCSEs are cancelled. Year 11 seems useless. I am crying. I give up with the world


I get ya. Chin up x


Don’t stress - focus on the positive!! You’ll get through this!