
Just booked my restricted driving test; first available slot was end of August! The rest of nz is around September. I don't wanna have to wait so long!! I just want to be able to drive!


It's internal exams week for me starting tomorrow with a Physics exam Monday wish me luck! 
          Also, look out for Book 2 to the Fragments series - the first couple chapters will be coming out soon! 


good luck!!! ❤︎︎


Just hit 10k reads on 'The WCKD soldier'!!!! Can't believe it!! Should I do a book 3 based on the after events?
          I've also started writing book 2 for Fragments...well by started I mean I've written a couple of pages...but still, it's progress!!
          School has started back now so I'll probably only have time to upload book 2 in a month or so but in the mean time any suggestions on ideas would be greatly appreciated! 
          I love being able to incorporate your guy's ideas in my stories!! 


Just found out (through an Instagram post) that four of my friends from before I moved a few months back went on the same town we moved to...literally a few streets from our new house. And they didn't tell me or even visit??!
          I don't know if I'm just overreacting but why couldn't they have texted and mentioned they were coming or maybe visit me at least????
          We were all friends for over six years!!!! 
          Should I be upset about this?? Is that a normal thing to do? 


@Theflash2467 | that is totally normal, i'd be mad too


So far I have 4 The Flash books, 3 Teen Wolf books and 2 Maze Runner books...what Fandom is next??
          I've been thinking:
          1: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
          2: Lockwood and Co
          3: Marvel
          4: Legends of Tomorrow 
          I'm open to suggestions, though!