
Hello story seekers,
          	Welcome to Fun Fact Friday!
          	If the Earth doubled in size, trees would immediately fall over. This is because surface gravity would be doubled. It would also mean dog-size and larger animals would not be able to run without breaking a leg.
          	Have a great weekend all!


Hello story seekers,
          Welcome to Fun Fact Friday!
          If the Earth doubled in size, trees would immediately fall over. This is because surface gravity would be doubled. It would also mean dog-size and larger animals would not be able to run without breaking a leg.
          Have a great weekend all!


Hello story seekers,
          Welcome to Question of the Week,
          What character from a book would you want to ask on a date? Where would you go?
          Interested in submitting a story to us? You can find the link directly under our bio. Our Twitter link is in there too if you want to give us a follow!
          The Reading Room Team


@The_Reading_Room Maybe Atlas griffin from The hookup Pact or maybe even Harry from Harry Potter 


@The_Reading_Room cassian or rhys from acotar. i’d take them to my fav restaurant and treat them to a nice meal. too bad they’re taken! it’s okay, azriel’s still single tho-


Hello story seekers,
          Welcome to Fun Fact Friday!
          Besides water, tea is the most popular beverage worldwide.
          Have a great weekend all!


@Kyrie_Dragonheart we call it Chai (Tsai) in Greece too :)


@The_Reading_Room Cool! In my country, India, Chai (tea) is equivalent to water.


Hello story seekers,
          It's time for Question of the Week!
          Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader? Or do you like reading multiple books at the same time?
          Interested in submitting a story to us? You can find the link directly under our bio. Our Twitter link is in there too if you want to give us a follow!
          The Reading Room Team


@The_Reading_Room Physically, one book at a time. Or else the stories get mixed up. But for Wattpad, its an exception where I can read multiple books at a time.


@The_Reading_Room Librarian (from a real building library) here. I read multiple books at a time often because of work, but I try to keep them separate genres so they don't cross over in my mind. (It would be awfully embarrassing if while leading the book club discussion, I brought up something that didn't happen in that book). I'll also have multiple formats going at a time: physical, ebook, audiobook, graphic novel...


Hello story seekers,
          Welcome to Fun Fact Friday!
          Approximately 10% of people are left-handed.
          Have a great weekend all!


@The_Reading_Room My dad is both left and right handed.


Hello story seekers,
          Our reading lists have just been updated with the stories we've selected, and we're certain that you'll find something that tickles your taste buds!
          We highly encourage you to check out those stories, and you should check out the authors too!  There's no telling what stories will become your next favourite read!
          Question of the Week
          What is your favourite time of year and why?
          Interested in submitting a story to us? You can find the link directly under our bio. Our Twitter link is in there too if you want to give us a follow!
          The Reading Room Team


@The_Reading_Room Winter...Its like the only season in my country where the climate is pleasant


@The_Reading_Room  Fall/Autumn ... not only is it my Birthday month but its in between summer (that's usually very hot) and winter (which is my second favorite season due to Christmas!)


@The_Reading_Room Winter. First, there's Thanksgiving, and then Christmas, and then my birthday, and second, I love snow. :D


Hello story seekers,
          Welcome to Fun Fact Friday!
          [FUN FACT]
          Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
          Interested in submitting a story to us? You can find the link directly in our bio. Our Twitter link is there too if you want to give us a follow!
          The Reading Team


@The_Reading_Room I don't see a link in your bio