Hey readers, the name's The Lonely Dark Wolf, or Dark Wolf for short if you like. I have been in this website for several years now and have decided to put my stories here as a hobby. 22 years is my age and have enjoyed my time here writing. Not much to say about me to be quite honest except this being my hobby. I also enjoy drawing (which I need to get back on doing), playing video games, and just enjoying life.

I will say that when it comes to writing, it is a relief to put my imagination and ideas somewhere where hopefully people can enjoy reading and take the time off from reality and enter an adventure. Which is why for my career, I want to be a game developer. Put my ideas and have people come together as a community and enjoy themselves.


please respect my own choices and time when updating. I do have other activities and a life outside of Wattpad. This is just a hobby. That includes to other authors and give them the respect, time, and patient for their stories since I myself am also a reader in this website. If you wish to read my stories, go right on ahead. Just know this:

I have zero tolerance to anyone speaking negatively about/to me. You talk shit to me, I will talk shit back. Respect to others and you will gain the same respect back. I am not someone you can easily bully. I've been through a lot of shit that gave me the backbone I need to survive in this world.
  • JoinedAugust 4, 2021

Story by The Lonely Dark Wolf
I'm Just a Mercenary by The_Lonely_Dark_Wolf
I'm Just a Mercenary
"How can one kid cause this much trouble? Destruction? And terror? If she can do this much, then we have...