
If you read any of my books from before 2020 except the worst. My writing nor story telling was that good back then and I can’t promise I’m going to go back and work on every one of my old books but I’ll try. 


If it takes me a while to respond to a private message or a message put on my wall it’s because I don’t check my Wattpad notifications often. I’ll check it as often as I can now that I remembered it’s there. Thank you all for reading☺️!


Hey, I've come here after reading the whole story just now and I think your story was amazing and best I've read in a while which left me smiling and grinning to myself most of the time.
          After reading this first chapter of yours I wondered what could possibly be so inappropriate with the story but as closeted person myself I guess everyone thinks those thoughts when they are at that point, so it's the least to be said not inappropriate but the reality of how things are.
          I'm glad you didn't rush the story as love at first sight or anything but actually developed the characters interactions to make them closer and eventually like each other. Despite most of the stories which purely base the gay relationships as mostly lustful and sexual this story was a great change and I loved every part of it. Despite some things being wrong or confusing in the story it was pretty good and I appreciate and support you on your future works.
           Thank you


Thanks for the support☺️. I wrote that book a while long while ago and didn’t quite grasp the concept of how some of the things in my book was wrong so I’m working to fix that right now. Im editing and adding chapters to it trying to fix what I can so it’ll hopefully make more sense. My future works probably won’t be out until I finish “Dressing like a girl” or until I’m somewhat done with it. Thank you for reading and supporting me!