Hi! Welcome to my page! Lovely to have you all here!
Here is some info about me~

- I am 23 years old, who is bisexual and happily taken by my wonderful boyfriend. I use any pronouns, however I don't identify as non-binary, but I'm primarily She/Her.

- I like a lot of things in terms of any kind of hobby/interest. But the main things are: Video games, Heavy metal, Drawing and Reading. I should also mention I'm a massive simp...

- If your interest in seeing any of my drawings, it's all on my instagram - @dead_rose25

- I also do some drawings on TikTok - @DeadRose420
  • Off in anime land
  • انضمOctober 11, 2013

الرسالة الأخيرة
The_Dead_Rose The_Dead_Rose May 26, 2021 03:40AM
Hello everyone! Currently writing a new book where I have time! Its going to be a Bakugo x One of my Oc's. I'm hoping you all enjoy it! It's still currently in the writing progress, but I'm hoping ev...
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