
Finally! New King Killmonger update up! Semi-long! I tried writing a shorter chapter, but it kept getting longer, lol! for some reason these platforms are not letting my scene break hashtags show up, so I have to go back carefully and make sure I catch them for when I trade them out for my lil Black Panther and purple line breaks. So if you are reading a section in the future (or have in the past) and it seems like the character POV switched without a page break separator, I apologize and will make sure I check before I publish! Enjoy! I'll post this update on my Uzumaki_Rebellion account tomorrow.


Finally! New King Killmonger update up! Semi-long! I tried writing a shorter chapter, but it kept getting longer, lol! for some reason these platforms are not letting my scene break hashtags show up, so I have to go back carefully and make sure I catch them for when I trade them out for my lil Black Panther and purple line breaks. So if you are reading a section in the future (or have in the past) and it seems like the character POV switched without a page break separator, I apologize and will make sure I check before I publish! Enjoy! I'll post this update on my Uzumaki_Rebellion account tomorrow.


I'll have a new update out in a couple of days!


@Paix_Sauvage  Hey! I got busy with real lfe! I'll have something out for King Killmonger after I finish some other writing. I got caught up in my Star Wars bag and started writing a new book for "The Acolyte" since they won't give it a season 2. Thanks for checking on me!


Sister……you good?


Will be posting an update to King Killmonger tomorrow! I was trying for the weekly Friday updates, but I can't sustain that with the length of the chapters I'm writing. This next chapter will be long. I will just write and post when I can. Less pressure for me, lol!


I'll have to postpone my Friday update. I caught a cold and have a bad sore throat that zapped my energy this week. I got 10 pages done, but I don't think I'll bust out enough words today to post a decent chapter. I'm going to shoot for Sunday. About to take some cold medicine and try to sleep this thing out. Apologies if you were waiting to read tonight. I just didn't have it in the tank physically.