
Merry Christmas everyone! Have a wonderful day! 


          I know I have not been posting lately. I just want people to know that I am NOT canceling "A Shooting Star". Instead, I'm here to announce that my updates will be a little... later than usual.
          Since I'm still in school, I have homework to do. Lots. I think my teachers have a vendetta against me, lol. So, I'll be focusing on my studies and cast away my fanfic as my second priority.
          But I still will be posting! Just asking for you all to be patient, and I hope you understand why I'm taking this course of action. Also... 3D Kirby game announced today! 3D! Kirby fans, rejoice!


@SonataKnight thanks! Also, that's really cool, how the new game reminds you of a song. It's going to be amazing!


@TheYokaiBorb The game looks cool. The theme reminded me of K-pop group Twice's song 'Dance the Night Away'. Anyways, we're all patient and it's okay, hope you do great in school.


Hi all!
          So, as we know, today is December 25th, the day we celebrate Christmas! Some of you may have celebrated Hanukkah, and some others may have not celebrated at all.
          But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still enjoy today! Of course, with the Covid-19 still floating about, it's a little hard to meet up with family and friends. But please remember that we're all in this together.
          Let's hope that we finish the year 2020 with smiles on our faces. It'll show 2020 that we won't back down, not ever. 
          Merry Christmas everyone! And Happy Holidays!