
Another reason is I want to distance myself from my online person and embrace who I really am. I want to spend more time with the people in my life outside of the internet. And, mostly importantly, I want to re-establish my faith and connection with God. Some parts of the internet swept me away from him, caused me to fall into some sin. I can't live like that anymore.
          	Rather than fading into obscurity or vanishing into the abyss never to be heard from again, I think I owe you all a proper goodbye. I may occasionally pop in to check on everyone and say hello, but nothing permanent. At least until my birthday (May 10th). But I won't be roleplaying or be very active. 
          	I hope that we will never be strangers. And that, if not here, we'll meet again elsewhere. 
          	God bless you all, I'll see you around. <3


@TheVivaciousVixen I'll miss ya, but I hope you have a great life. I'll miss you on Wattpad and hope to hear from you now and again to see how everything is going, and I look forward to you publishing your book and I can't wait to read it! Even though I know you already said it, I hope that we will never be strangers and that if not here, we'll meet again elsewhere ৻(≧ᗜ≦৻) God bless you and may you have a wonderful life! I hope we meet again one day! *virtual hugs* ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა


@TOUYA_T0D0R0K1 And yours too! I'll see you on the other side <3


This foxxo may be leaving, but she will one day open the gates for generations of other wholesome foxxos
          This foxxo shall never be forgotten 


Another reason is I want to distance myself from my online person and embrace who I really am. I want to spend more time with the people in my life outside of the internet. And, mostly importantly, I want to re-establish my faith and connection with God. Some parts of the internet swept me away from him, caused me to fall into some sin. I can't live like that anymore.
          Rather than fading into obscurity or vanishing into the abyss never to be heard from again, I think I owe you all a proper goodbye. I may occasionally pop in to check on everyone and say hello, but nothing permanent. At least until my birthday (May 10th). But I won't be roleplaying or be very active. 
          I hope that we will never be strangers. And that, if not here, we'll meet again elsewhere. 
          God bless you all, I'll see you around. <3


@TheVivaciousVixen I'll miss ya, but I hope you have a great life. I'll miss you on Wattpad and hope to hear from you now and again to see how everything is going, and I look forward to you publishing your book and I can't wait to read it! Even though I know you already said it, I hope that we will never be strangers and that if not here, we'll meet again elsewhere ৻(≧ᗜ≦৻) God bless you and may you have a wonderful life! I hope we meet again one day! *virtual hugs* ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა


@TOUYA_T0D0R0K1 And yours too! I'll see you on the other side <3


Hey guys...
          So, I have an announcement to make. It's time to address the inevitable. What I've been dancing around for over a year now. 
          I'm growing up. Insane, I know /sar. 
          But with maturing comes greater responsibility. I no longer have as much free time on the Internet as I used to. I have a full time job, friends in my outside life that have my priority and overall attention, family, educational pursuits, and most importantly my significant other (I love you Ryan <3). I'm not just this silly girl with a silly fox pfp. I'm a real person behind the screen, with my own life experiences and aspirations. 
          2022 was so much fun. Being able to meet people with similar interests and interact with you all, roleplaying to my heart's content, enjoying Danganronpa and various other forms of content.'s not 2022 anymore. It's 2024. And it will never be 2022 again. Time will keep pressing onwards, we're going to keep aging as people, as we're going to grow up and venture down different pathways in life. That is the simple fact of life. 
          I don't really know how to say this say this sweetly, in a way that won't hurt me or people that I've come to know on this app,'s time for me to go. I simply don't have the time or energy to spend on this app anymore, and all of my Wattpad friends have drifted off to different interests and social circles. That's why I haven't been active. It feels more like a chore to be here rather than an enjoyable activity, and I can't make proper time for it. This was a beautiful phase in life, one with memories I will always dearly cherish, but this wasn't meant to last forever. 
          (1/2, scroll to see the rest)


You are the most amazing friend


@The_Based_Mystical Not all foxes are tricksters. Some are silly goobers.


Val should die in s2


@TheVivaciousVixen He really would and may become dirtier. his jokes were fun




Camilla would win against dickmaster (Adam)


@TheVivaciousVixen She really is. shes amazing and strong


wholesome vixen foxxo