
Omg people still read my work?? Like srsly? Ghad I just feel bad not being able to update that story. There's like 3 unpublished chapters in my drafts but I plan to finish 5 chaps first before going active again. I'm really sorry for not updating for a long time (gawd it's gonna be 2 years already!!!???) I still got the plot in my mind and I'm planning to pick up where I left off when I'm less busy since summer is around the corner heheh. Again I'm really sorry and I'll surely make it up to you guys! Sly over and out~


Lol i miscalculated it's only gonna be a year but still I feel bad ><


Omg people still read my work?? Like srsly? Ghad I just feel bad not being able to update that story. There's like 3 unpublished chapters in my drafts but I plan to finish 5 chaps first before going active again. I'm really sorry for not updating for a long time (gawd it's gonna be 2 years already!!!???) I still got the plot in my mind and I'm planning to pick up where I left off when I'm less busy since summer is around the corner heheh. Again I'm really sorry and I'll surely make it up to you guys! Sly over and out~


Lol i miscalculated it's only gonna be a year but still I feel bad ><


I love your profile Dani!! and those stories sound fantastic!! Though. . . . How Could You Not Like Cinnamon(The brown kind not the weird hot red kind)?!?!?!? Jk, I'm just an addict to the stuff! Either way, good luck with your rewrites and have a funtastic day!!!!


Hi, little miss or probably young lady, it fits anyway. I just want to tell you that keep up the 'working-on' fanfiction of yours because it's wonderful. We also share the same hobby or talent in drawing, haha! How wonderful! Anyways, I just want to let you know that I'll keep myself as a secret reader of your fanfiction. Haha!
          Signing out, Rikuo♪


@RikuoSawada Oh my God! You don't know how you made me sooo happy with this message. It's like kyaaaaaa!!! Thank you so much!! Mwuah mwuah! :* Love Love! ^^


you somewhat remind me of ate Katie Kirara De Castro xD just the way you look.


@FarrahPerez07 Haha. Yep! And just like AceFujoshi_ who just replied on this status, is a fujoshi like her and one of my crazy friends XD


@LittleMissRetard18 really? cool! you do know she's a fujoshi,ne?


@FarrahPerez07  Waaaah!! Katie Kirara?! We're fb friends 'ya know?! What a coincidence! O.O|||