
Matching my poems and photography on instagram if you’re intrigued, just click the link and have an awesome day or night!


Thanks for the follow


@-urielectric-  Always glad to help out a fellow writer!


Hey guys! So I've been on and off a lot with many things. In the past I've been working on a pretty complex series and was hesitant to upload any of them. I just uploaded 'A Reckoning with Madness', which had been a super fun story to write. It's wild and a bit ridiculous at points but I hope you will all enjoy it. I used a similar style from the narration found in 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' and even a bit from 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'. Hope you enjoy!


I've been off of Wattpad for a while but I plan to start posting a new poem every few days. I just added "The Smiles of Because" in the new "Mythology of Rainbows" collection. I am working on some new additions to "The Withering of Folklore" currently and I am also working on a new project; an epic poem (Eclipse) in the style of such things as Beowulf and the Odyssey. As for the poetry critiques that some of you have requested I am back to those as well. Thank you all for the support; it means a lot to me, and I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavors!


Hello \(^-^)
          Can you please check out my poetry books and ill do the same. I only aim to inspire, thanks !


@OnlyMadness93 Of course! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long! I've been reading 'Untangled Thoughts' and find your emotional descriptions quite accurate and acute.


Hi @MicahLafoon. Thank you so much for following me. :)


@glamcinnamon  Sure thing! You have some great poems btw. If you are willing I would be honored if you would follow me.