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Meet the Characters!

Fictional is a cofounder of The Nerd Group, and she is also an artist, pianist, and a HUGE OL' NERD. Also like the mother of the group!

Hawthorn is the other cofounder, and an awesome musician with their ukulele. They also have a shy, (but great), personality!

Echo is kind of a mix of Fictional and Hawthorn. She is a cool artist, and has mad skills on her uke.

He is very random. VERY random. He is super funny too, but a true Nerd at heart.

Definitely the most serious, but can be pretty goofy at times. He is also an excellent artist.

-Mr. BigPops
Super nice, but flirts with all the girls, (although his relationships only last about a day), but still a chill dude.

Join the Nerds in their journey through unknown lands: The Internet!
  • JoinedDecember 10, 2016
