
I'll try to update the Huskerdust lost souls story tmr sorry my head is very much struggling to type apparently ‍‍ like more than usual 


For the Lost Souls fanfic: Would yall rather a rlly long chapter (with some of it just the stupid activities and interactions then later in the chapter more relevant info) or a long chapter split in two (so all the activities type stuff in one part and the more relevant stuff in a separate part)? 


@TheMufinn Tbh, I don't mind either.


I'll try to update the Huskerdust story soon. Sorry been a stressful time recently. I know I said I'd update last week but I've been busy af. I have tried to reply to any new comments but other than that I haven't had much time to write more of the story. 


No pressure! You’ll do better writing and work at school if you take your time then rushing into everything 


I'm being dumb: what's the word for when two people disagree on how to do something and figure out a way to do it that's like good enough for both of them? If that makes any sense? 


Idk tbh I think it’s what MarquishaAnty said tbh :D