
hey besties, i just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I'm doing a lot better. as i posted a little while ago, my dad passed away suddenly while i was away at college, so i went home to be with my siblings, and then i had some catching up to do when i got back so i had very little time for writing because of finals/homework. i was also asked to give some speeches and stuff because I'm that bitch at school LMAO. my semester just ended and i have a much better work schedule for this summer, so I'm hoping to finish up 'push and pull' sometime next month(ish), and then i will reevaluate and see if i want to start any other projects. thank you guys for sticking around :)))))


@TheLemonSheriff Thats horrible, ill pray for you and your family, i hope your doing good.


@TheLemonSheriff glad to hear it !! take your time, i hope you're doing well


hey besties, i just wanted to check in and let everyone know that I'm doing a lot better. as i posted a little while ago, my dad passed away suddenly while i was away at college, so i went home to be with my siblings, and then i had some catching up to do when i got back so i had very little time for writing because of finals/homework. i was also asked to give some speeches and stuff because I'm that bitch at school LMAO. my semester just ended and i have a much better work schedule for this summer, so I'm hoping to finish up 'push and pull' sometime next month(ish), and then i will reevaluate and see if i want to start any other projects. thank you guys for sticking around :)))))


@TheLemonSheriff Thats horrible, ill pray for you and your family, i hope your doing good.


@TheLemonSheriff glad to hear it !! take your time, i hope you're doing well


hey everyone,
          i know i've been absent lately, but I've been dealing with my dad's death the past few weeks, so writing has not been a priority for me. I took a while away from college and now I'm catching up, so i don't have any chapters prepared or time to write. give me a couple of weeks to get back to normal.


That's completely fine.  I hope you get better and may your father rest in peace:)


@TheLemonSheriff I'm sorry for your loss. I know losing a parent can be really hard. 


im so sorry to hear that!!! you can forget about writing for however long it takes for you to get better, I hope you know we’ll all be waiting. family comes first, I love you❣️


I just checked your page out after 4 years and I've realized your one shot book is gone 


@TheLemonSheriff oh no!!! Yes I was just wondering if it was on ao3 bc I know they’re way more laid back and don’t flag stuff that much 


@taylorchanel_ no, i don't (sobbing). some people have been de-translating the Spanish translation to read them but i won't repost to make sure my account doesn't get removed. so sorry <3


@TheLemonSheriff oh no!!! U don’t have them saved on Google docs or word?


Hey, is there a chance that u would re upload your hp one shots? I Really miss it, x


@TheLemonSheriff it’s alright! Thanks for answering:))


@Lureen8 hey, unfortunately they were deleted because they apparently violated community guidelines. When WP decides to take down a book, they completely delete it from the account instead of just removing it for readers. I don’t have a backup of any of the chapters and they were all permanently deleted from my account. I’m very sorry!! <3


this is going to sound so insane to people who don't write and maybe to people that do, but i'm struggling to write the next couple of chapters of 'push and pull' right now because the characters are not behaving and they're no longer following my outline... but i figured this would be an interesting little blurb to write because no one has ever understood when i say that my characters make their own decisions. like...i make the plot and the obstacles, but once i develop a character, sometimes they end up being different than i expected, which can help or hurt me in the long run. very curious if anyone else experiences this or if i really am crazy. like i can write the characters doing what i originally planned but then it feels so inorganic and alien to the characters. do y'all smell what i'm stepping in or ????? btw 'push and pull' returns this wednesday!


@TheLemonSheriff I’m a person who unfortunately understands this like it’s my own brain. It’s truly troubling and a menace.


@TheLemonSheriff stefene Meyer said the same thing 


@TheLemonSheriff I totally get it. You start writing with a certain plan in mind and that plan, as well as the characters, can totally change as you write. It doesn't always end the way you thought it would.


i am back from europe!! i had so much fun!!!!! i learned a lot about the cultural differences and i got to try a lot of cool new things. i am completely aware that studying abroad for like two weeks is ridiculous but I'm actually really happy i chose a short program because i was anxious to get home, partially because i was living with a stranger who snored like crazy, so i wasn't really sleeping, but also because i was running out of things to do without spending a ton of money. so excited to resume uploads this wednesday, and thank you all for being so understanding while i focused on my schoolwork! <333


@TheLemonSheriff Hi love! I’m glad you’re back!