
All but one of the stories here are officially discontinued. Konosuba will be continued, but on the new account. Splatoon has a slim chance of continuation/rewrite in the future, but it is unlikely.


So what is your new account my dude? I loke your stories, btw.


@MacMellon @DaveTheCoolWizard is the account. I have not posted anything yet, but I am actively writing. I just want to make sure the story is fully completed and in a state I am happy with before I publish it


Well, everyone, I had a good run on here. Had fun writing stuff. But I think it's time to retire The Kool Guy. I won't quit writing, not at all, but no longer will I use this account. I shall make a new one. I'll choose maybe one or two of the stories here that I didn't finish (all of them lol) to bring to the new account, but the rest will be gone. I've loved all the support y'all have given me, and if you want, go ahead and follow my new account, which I will plug soon. But that's about it, see ya
          - The Kool Guy


@TheKoolGuy723 I guess I'll see you there


Here's some extra reading if y'all want some Kool Guy lore: Things have finally gotten better for me. I feel less and less like killing myself every day. I met an amazing woman who is the love of my life, and I've been doing a lot better in school. I've made new friends, cut ties with those bringing me down, and have overall been so much better recently. I finally feel happy again