
Hey people! For those of you who read A Colorless Rainbow, I suggest u read the first chapter once again. It's edited now and I spiced it up a little and I might have added a new main character. I also edited the 2nd chapter. Anw love you guysss❤ my goal is set for 2k rn. This book means a lot to me.❤


Hey people! For those of you who read A Colorless Rainbow, I suggest u read the first chapter once again. It's edited now and I spiced it up a little and I might have added a new main character. I also edited the 2nd chapter. Anw love you guysss❤ my goal is set for 2k rn. This book means a lot to me.❤


CONGRATULATIONS on 1K+ !!!1!1!!1! and 130+ followers! 
          PARTTYYYYY!!! :p 


@TheKarellaya You're welcome boo ❤


@TheKarellaya HAPPY FOR YAH BOO ❤❤


Just nominated you for an award! Loved your book so much and have to read more later!


@Aspiredforever omg! Thank you sfm❤ that is soooo nice of you, and I really love your book too