
“Hear me Basch! Do not think that killing the kingslayer, will win you back your honor. When you abandoned home and kin, your name was forever... stained with blood!”
          	“Aye, this stain is mine to bear. But I will bear it willingly, knowing that I did all I could... for hope.” 
          	“Preen and strut as you like! In the end we are the same, blood thirsting carrion birds! HELLBENT on revenge!” 


“Hear me Basch! Do not think that killing the kingslayer, will win you back your honor. When you abandoned home and kin, your name was forever... stained with blood!”
          “Aye, this stain is mine to bear. But I will bear it willingly, knowing that I did all I could... for hope.” 
          “Preen and strut as you like! In the end we are the same, blood thirsting carrion birds! HELLBENT on revenge!” 


this message may be offensive
Younger siblings are the biggest pieces of shit ever prove me wrong


@TheImmortalYatoGod haha maybe when I was really little, but that’s not me hahaha 


this message may be offensive
            As long as you tell me you don’t scream every time your sister touches you and get her in deep shit then I can accept that XDXD


I’m seriously lonely asf someone talk to me and make me feel wanted please


            *hugs back* thank youuu, ily too.
            quarantine is so hard for me and my family are dicks so it means a lot :)


*hugs* you are very very wanted <3 ily bro


You say that I’m messing with your head
          All ‘cause I was making out with your friend
          Love hurts whether it’s right or wrong
          I cant stop ‘cause I’m having too much fun
          You’re on your knees
          Begging ‘Please,
          Stay with me’ 
          Honestly I just need to live a little crazy