
Gonna be updating the rules a bit for the one shot book to provide some clarity to everyone on some things in terms of requests.


@Necessary_Chaos actually that happened twice back when it just Lils. She deleted them along with the Anya forger requests


@ TheHallofHOE-mies  Oh god, someone finally requested Sonic x FNAF male pregnancy


Gonna be updating the rules a bit for the one shot book to provide some clarity to everyone on some things in terms of requests.


@Necessary_Chaos actually that happened twice back when it just Lils. She deleted them along with the Anya forger requests


@ TheHallofHOE-mies  Oh god, someone finally requested Sonic x FNAF male pregnancy


Heyo, readers, it is time for this week's last scheduled update. 
          We have been very excited for this, and Survivors chapter 1 is finally available for you all to read and appreciate. Please do read it, vote and comment, it'll be very much appreciated, as we have worked VERY hard on this, some of our updates were kind of jumbled up because we were so focused on it. This chapter has a word count past 10 Thousand, so be prepared for a very long chapter ahead, thank you for your time, and I will see you later.
          — The Brazilian 




@Hunterscheier I will break all ur transformers 


Last update of the week is up, in strides the last book of the Wave, the finale you'll see after all books are fully set in stone, after everything is in a good place, bring some love to Survivors, a book entirely made up of US, the HOE-mies and our friends, in the fictional town of New Strasbourg, Canada, we all sincerely hope you all enjoy it, me, Siobahn and Mike have all been working super hard to bring this story to life, and you'll see a chapter for it next Friday, but meanwhile, this trailer should keep you guys entertained.
          — The Brazilian 


Chronicle, but yeah we’re super proud of this one
            - The Mikey


 Think of it like gravity falls mixed with slice of life and that one movie I can't remember the name of! We be proud of this one.
            - The Autistic One 


Trailer for an upcoming book set for another update wave currently out, there may be someone in the crowd who recognizes it, but I find it kind of unlikely. 
          Welcome, with a warm embrace: Gods' Associates, an idea that came directly from the noggin of yours truly, Brooke, otherwise known as @Diary_of_mh
          Today's update was really late because Wattpad decided to be a bitch, and it's not the scheduled program because we had nothing prepared for what it was meant to be, so you'll have this trailer to reflect on for the next few weeks while we work on it, I'm excited to see where that story goes