
Anyone ever miss someone so bad they stalk that persons account by not logging in ;-; 
          	Just me? I think I should stop and just let him go but idk how   Someone help me pls


@TheGhostKingCHB i wish i could ask him for you, but i don't want him to be mad at me :( it'll be alright, and maybe it won't soon, but you'll be alright and move on someday. sometimes these things just take time


@Froggy669 i know I should but for some reason its so hard. like I want to talk with him to see how hes doing and how I can help him. and it sucks cause I have no idea what i did to make him hate me.


@TheGhostKingCHB sometimes... It hurts to let people go, but if being apart is better for them, it's important to respect their decision and try to move on, not just for them but for yourself and your mental health


you alright? you've been kinda afk for a bit, just wanted to check up on you.


@Froggy669 thank you thank you very much~


Anyone ever miss someone so bad they stalk that persons account by not logging in ;-; 
          Just me? I think I should stop and just let him go but idk how   Someone help me pls


@TheGhostKingCHB i wish i could ask him for you, but i don't want him to be mad at me :( it'll be alright, and maybe it won't soon, but you'll be alright and move on someday. sometimes these things just take time


@Froggy669 i know I should but for some reason its so hard. like I want to talk with him to see how hes doing and how I can help him. and it sucks cause I have no idea what i did to make him hate me.


@TheGhostKingCHB sometimes... It hurts to let people go, but if being apart is better for them, it's important to respect their decision and try to move on, not just for them but for yourself and your mental health


Hi beautiful people I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long to write a new chapter. >< it’s the end of my semester so I’ve been a bit busy with finals and such but I’m 3131 words in and hoping to finish it soon so y’all have something! I also have new one shot ideas in my notes so hopefully I can write those. 
          Thanks for the support luv yall


@TheGhostKingCHB alright and good luck with finals!


✨paste✨ this✨ on✨ 10 ✨of✨ the✨ nicest✨ people's✨ profiles ✨if ✨you✨ get✨ this✨ then ✨you✨ are ✨really ✨special✨


Hi Lovelies I posted a new Chapter. it was Glitching for me so idk if it looks ok. any way lmk if you have access to the whole thing.


@TheGhostKingCHB the rebirth one, right? i was able to read it


Hey people! I’m working on a new chapter! I’ve been busy this weekend with my bday so I couldn’t post. I’m still writing it but hopefully in the next day or so. I have a mid term paper due today and a test to do so hopefully I can squeeze in time to write. Thanks for all the reads it means a lot to know people have taken an interest in my writing. Thank y’all <3