
Finally finished chapter three! Just under 1500 hundred words. I had to start rewatching the movies again for my brain to work, but it's fine. Anyways it'll be uploaded at eight in the morning. I hope you guys enjoy!


Finally finished chapter three! Just under 1500 hundred words. I had to start rewatching the movies again for my brain to work, but it's fine. Anyways it'll be uploaded at eight in the morning. I hope you guys enjoy!


I cannot figure out how to write Chapter Three. Due to this, I will not be able to write tonight because I am also sick. I will try really hard to get it out tomorrow, though. Unfortunately, it will not be at 8:00 AM like I usually post.


I've been trying to upload on Monday mornings, but I may or may not be able to next week. I leave in a few hours to go on a trip with my church and I won't be back until Friday. If I can't get it uploaded by Monday, I should hopefully be able to do it Tuesday or Wednesday.


I have finished writing the porlogue! However, I'm not sure what ship to do... I don't want to change it multiple times, so I'll let you guys choose before I even finish the tags and upload it.
          Harry is going to be the dominant one:
          Harry x Blaise
          Harry x Draco
          Harry x Weasley Twins
          Harry x ??? (Comment who you'd want to see)


@readknitswim I already did Harry and the twins.


@TheDrar  Harry x  Blaise would be awesome!


            Something along those lines


New fanfic idea!
          Luna Lovegood is perceived as innocent and loony. However, she is anything but. She is sadistic and well versed in the ways of the world. She sees things that others cannot, and for that reason, she is the Dark Lord's favorite. She enjoys torturing people, and is famous for taking on Death Eaters as her "toys" whenever they fail the Dark Lord. She is fun and colorful, but cruel. She has one purpose. To fulfill her master's wants and desires. She's even taken to a more intimate relationship with the man.