
Starting a new fanfic project for the summer along with new tale. Some of you guys might like it as it’s more fantasy based, while some might not as Ayanokoji is not the main character. But this one will be one of those projects I actually plan and execute with high detail still probably be 1 chapter a month type situation. Stay in tune for the first chapter as it’s called The Forewarner and the Reclaimer


@Adolf__rizzler oh god he’s back


Starting a new fanfic project for the summer along with new tale. Some of you guys might like it as it’s more fantasy based, while some might not as Ayanokoji is not the main character. But this one will be one of those projects I actually plan and execute with high detail still probably be 1 chapter a month type situation. Stay in tune for the first chapter as it’s called The Forewarner and the Reclaimer


@Adolf__rizzler oh god he’s back


BROOOOOOO why did coach put me into the 4x800 meter relay race for tomorrow’s meet. I’m actually cooked.
          Anyways, guess that’ll mean Cote ND will be released late for this weeks upload. So I guess you all will have to wait until next week for another upload. 
          8 weeks until Final exams as-well so after that comes out, I will take a break to focus on my exams and hope to get 100 on each, fingers crossed.


@thesammytrainer mines the 14 and 21 next month. But hey, you were just too good for the system to get a 100


@TheDom26 I don’t know if you took the exams yet, but luck because I’m pretty sure I failed mine. 


Sorry for the ping, but does anyone know why putting pictures isn’t working on Wattpad right now? I don’t know if it’s just me or something’s going on because it won’t upload anything for me.


@ TheDom26 your good bro btw I didn't even know that was going to work I just searched it up.


@Ralph_360 Also I just tried it again and I think Wattpad was having a bad day yesterday and wanted to screw with me so it worked today…


@Ralph_360 sorry if I upset you, that’s just how I respond to things. Don’t mean anything by it


So uh, new fic out if you want to check that out.
          Horikita and Kiyo based but this time it’s written better because I read reprodate and other amazing writers.
          I will be ending Whiteroom’s approval probably today if I’m not lazy and finish the last chapter.
          Tomorrow after I’m done with a college athletics recruitment meeting if I don’t complete it today.
          Cheers, please don’t fight me.


I might just start writing entire fics out instead of uploads per week(months… years…) because 1. I won’t feel rushed and the chapters look terrible like you’ve seen and 2. Then I’ll have more time to write. So I’ll probably cut Yagami fic short, idk about reaction, Whiteroom approval I just need more ideas cuz I’m running out, and I’ll keep working on my kiyozune fic which I haven’t published which is the reason I’m writing about this.


First of all, thank you everyone for the 100(and 1) followers!
          But this announcement is more focused on Whiteroom’s Approvals progression so far.
          The next part is almost done and I may be done my Monday. And this one I think you guys will find interesting not only because new writing style but also it’s focused on backstory that I don’t think anyone’s ever made before. In fact it could turn into an entire saga if you guys like it. I will make a poll when it releases. 
          See you all soon (if you read Whiteroom’s Approval)


Merry Christmas everyone 
          I won’t make the same mistake Reprodate did lmao


@TheDom26 give fics bro


@TheDom26 pfffft hahaha Merry Christmas 


I am not dead, but just know that I’m quite busy with school and that I will post during winter break for all three fics


            Sheesh that's a lot!
            Hope you have a good winter break. You deserve it.


@Fortitude501 that’s a hard one to do my friend.
            You see, I have jazz band in the mornings so I get to school at 7, then school happens and then after school is Track until 5:30 where I either have a Pep band game or Robotics so I’m usually home by like 9. And then on Saturday I probably have a track meet and then Sunday sometimes I have robotics and then lessons with private teachers.
            But with the break I’ll be able to rest so thanks


            Just make sure you get plenty of rest when you can.