
OMG Nemo won the Eurovision!!! Personally I’m not from Switzerland (but my ex who I’ve been with from kindergarten till 2nd grade is)but  I think he deserved it. I mean have you seen how nice he is! Also loved the song I broke the code wo ho ho!!!


@daughter-0f-Hermes Yeah, well it wasn’t really dating it was more like I kissed him on the cheek a few times and we used to hold hands and say we will marry each other when we will be older, But back then I don’t know why but a lot of boys (like 5) used to try to fight over me, but since now I really hate that guy and decided that I’m not in the age of deciding on good boys I swore of dating until I’m at least 17


@TheDamBlueSnackBar You dated someone in kindergarten-


OMG Nemo won the Eurovision!!! Personally I’m not from Switzerland (but my ex who I’ve been with from kindergarten till 2nd grade is)but  I think he deserved it. I mean have you seen how nice he is! Also loved the song I broke the code wo ho ho!!!


@daughter-0f-Hermes Yeah, well it wasn’t really dating it was more like I kissed him on the cheek a few times and we used to hold hands and say we will marry each other when we will be older, But back then I don’t know why but a lot of boys (like 5) used to try to fight over me, but since now I really hate that guy and decided that I’m not in the age of deciding on good boys I swore of dating until I’m at least 17


@TheDamBlueSnackBar You dated someone in kindergarten-


love the pfo and username


ignore my struggles to say that


I wrote this ducky speech a while ago and now I will share it with all of you ☺️ (you know, for your ducky religion)
          Today, we shall rise.
          Today, we shall conquer.
          Today, we shall move forward.
          Our Ducks have ferociously pecked at our struggles with memes and crossing the road. They have stayed with us to the very end.
          But we are turning our backs on them! Yes, the heart-stopping rumors are true.
          But we will restore the Ducks to their rightful spot- not in bellies, but with full bellies. We will give them the Fishy Star- a military medal for their sacrificial duty in our Quack Lake Force.
          We will also give the Pond Medal to the families of those poor Ducks of the River Marines who sadly lost their lives in the battle of the Duck Restaurant.
          We shall give them respect.
          Idk I was bored and probably mentally ill  but I remember saying this all seriously like I was proclaiming something really important and watching everyone die laughing


Wow that’s amazing do you want to be my 3rd in command in spreading the religion ( I already have a second in command) you can help us do spread it and make it a known religion all over the world 