
These are the following stories that have been updated!
          	“Fiore’s Lost Souls” - Chapter 5
          	"Sweet Redemption” - Chapter 5 ( (P.S. I made a mistake from the previous announcement. It was actually Chapter 4 I posted)
          	"Land of Monsters" - Deviljho
          	"Little Spider" - Chapter 3
          	Also, don't expect any more mass updates in September. Because I'll be working on my  Original Stories over my other Wattpad account until October.


These are the following stories that have been updated!
          “Fiore’s Lost Souls” - Chapter 5
          "Sweet Redemption” - Chapter 5 ( (P.S. I made a mistake from the previous announcement. It was actually Chapter 4 I posted)
          "Land of Monsters" - Deviljho
          "Little Spider" - Chapter 3
          Also, don't expect any more mass updates in September. Because I'll be working on my  Original Stories over my other Wattpad account until October.


This are the following stories that have been update!
          “Child of Nazarick” - Chapter 20
          “Fiore’s Lost Souls” - Chapter 5
          “Little Mewschief” - Chapter 22
          “Sweet Redemption” - Chapter 5 (
          “Lords of the Abyss” - Chapter 1 (New!)


Hey Guys! Crescent Rider here and I have an important announcement. Though it may sound late since I've said this in various posts before.
          If any of you have noticed that I don't update, it's because I'm updating various stories on masses instead of individually. That way, it'll be easier for me to work on my other Fanfics or my Original Stories over another Wattpad Account "Crest'n'Dryad".
          This announcement may not sound important, but it is important for me. I've decided to pursue writing Original Stories with my Original Characters, storylines, Worlds, and all the other stuff that I'd like to make.
          I'm bound to make mistakes here and there, but I'll learn from them since Practice makes Perfect.
          That is all, and thank you for taking the time to read this!
          (Future Announcements may revolve around a list of updates or new Stories from both Accounts...)


Hey, are you going to continue with the Criminal Case story


@TheCrescentRider For my CC book, i just copy and paste the lines i want/need, and it is already doing me wonders.
            Btw: I copy/paste it from the wiki


I am, they’re just long to work on