For the record, I blame @Rallathewolf for getting me addicted. Look at my "I MUST READ EVERYTHING IN THIS LIST" list to know why. 
(At the time I am writing this, I have been on here for 2 1/2 weeks, and have finished ~40, and have ~35 in my library to read. Not to mention all of the ones I started but didn't finish... I probably have ~150 in my list at the time I'm writing this.)

One thing you should know about me before anything else: I AM BASICALLY OBSESSED WITH DRAGONS! Almost everything I write or dream has dragons in it.
If you don't like dragons, get the f*** outta here. (Jk pls don't leave)

Overall, I am a bookworm. I love to read. And/or come up with really good ideas and never actually finish writing them.
I am a teenaged female, and I hope anyone who stumbles across me and my tiny corner of awesomeness will enjoy hanging out here.
I enjoy reading basically anything fantasy, but I HATE romance with a passion. Unless it's that really cheesy stuff that I just laugh at.
Like the "oh, I found my mate. I've known him/her for five minutes! Let's go make out and after ten minutes of that, let's go almost have sex but then get denied by the other party, and then we'll go on and have sex in another chapter or two," kind of stuff.
I am a grammar nazi. Beware.
I enjoy so many books, that if I listed them, this profile would be extremely long. The biggest ones are HP, the IC, MR, The Rain Wilds Chronicles (by Robin Hobb) [I really recommend these books. Go read them.], and a helluva lot more. I also may or may not be too lazy to list more.
I try to respond to anything someone says or messages me.

Overall, I am crazy. Hope you enjoy your time here.
  • EntrouSeptember 14, 2016


História de The Age of Awesomeness
A Flash of Light, de TheAgeOfAwesomeness
A Flash of Light
A short story about a nameless main character who experieces "a flash of light." "We went to s...
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