
Okay I actually need to get my head into healing me! I've been neglecting it really badly :/ which I shouldn't be. Thanks for all the support! Its great to read and I actually hope to be uploading more often now. I'm going to work on the plot for this story today, depending on how that goes, I might also be uploading a chapter :) Any suggestions and ideas will be very useful and much appreciated!


Hello ! I love "Healing me" OwO. Best fanfic i've red. You're an AMAZING WRITER. 
          I know that it's been a while (4 years maybe XD) that you havn't update your book. I hope you are well and you're not in depression (or something like that).  If you dropped your story, i think you should announce it with a comment or a message (i hope you havn't dropped it :') ). 
          All that to say that you made an incredible book. I hope there will be an update soon ;)


Okay I actually need to get my head into healing me! I've been neglecting it really badly :/ which I shouldn't be. Thanks for all the support! Its great to read and I actually hope to be uploading more often now. I'm going to work on the plot for this story today, depending on how that goes, I might also be uploading a chapter :) Any suggestions and ideas will be very useful and much appreciated!