


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
hi guys, to the people who follow me, a message.
          I’m sorry I don’t post on this app much anymore, but I do have a reason, so please be prepared to listen.
          My mental health is at the worst it’s been yet. I’m so fucking sick of myself & everyone else that I don’t know what’s make me happy anymore. I’ve been losing motivation easily, I’ll be really determined and motivated to write something but then lose motivation almost immediately. My favourite games don’t help, my friends don’t help, it all feels terrible. I feel trapped. I’ll be thinking something to myself and my friends will just confirm It to me, and I’ll feel so stupid for even thinking about the positives. I don’t feel like I can ask for help, I feel like I should just deal with it myself. 
          so, I’m sorry if I don’t post on here for a while.


most people, fear change. Me however, I don’t. I don’t fear change, I fear the consequences of said change. I’m fine with change, I actually kinda like it tbh, it makes life more exciting, well, sometimes, I guess. When something changes, then cool, I don’t mind, but if it’s something I could’ve prevented/ feels like something I could’ve prevented, then… well that’s what I don’t like