
I love Danganronpa but I haven’t seen it yet HEHE! 


@VentiOfficial venti why are you on everyone's wall


Ok here’s some advice 
            1. The order of the games are 
            Trigger happy havoc
            Goodbye Despair
            Ultra Despair Girls ( not required to understand the plot) 
            Killing Harmony 
            2. Please please please whatever you do don’t watch the Dangonronpa V1 anime it’s trash compared to the game 
            3. DO watch the V3 anime because it shows what “The Tragedy” was, watch it only after playing ultra despair girls/Goodbye despair ( it’s not fully family friendly so here’s a warning it’s mainly the first 2 episodes if I remember correctly) 
            4. If for whatever reason you can’t play the games go to YouTube look for a channel called Bijuu Mike he does really good gameplay videos of Danganronpa 
            5. Don’t be an idiot like me and get attached to characters, 90% - 95% of them will die 
            6. Don’t go near the fandom until you have played/watched all of the games there will be spoilers every 5 seconds 
            7. It’s ok to look up some of the answers in the class trials they can be really hard sometimes just don’t do it every 5 seconds 