
Hi Tess! I just want to let you know that I'm enjoying reading The Grave Shadows. Looking forward to the next updates!


I think once you hit complete on The Grave Shadows, a notification will pop up saying you're eligible then will direct you to a form. That's how it was last year. Kinda. They updated new rules this year to the contest. Good luck! Hope your story wins a Watty if you decide to participate!


@mia-carmen You are right; I should try Wattys. Looks like I still have time to post all the chapters. To be honest, I don't know how it works, but it seems to be the only way to reach more readers right now.


@TessCorvina Wow! You put so much work into your stories! I think those four years has been worth it. I hope you succeed in getting an agent and have The Grave Shadows traditionally published! Too bad the forums closed down. You would've reached more readers there. Or maybe submit your story in The Wattys when it's completed. I don't know when the deadline is though. Should be the end of this month I think.