
I'll post soon, but this one chapter is giving me trouble and I just CAN'T post the other before it's done. Sorry for being so spotty!


Quick post!
          I am sorry for not updating, but my friend had an accident and is in hospital, so I've been a bit to busy for anything else.
          Before you ask, they are alive, have all their limbs and family members, and are hooked up to only an IV and heart monitor.
          They just decided to take the express way down the side of an oversized hill and lets just say their landing wasn't the um....best?
          I'm only home long enough to get new clothes and post this, so see you in my next update!


I realized that I have the bad habit of starting a book, but stopping halfway or near the end it annoys the frick out of me!
          I just sometimes get bored halfway through because of filler chapters or get to anxious that the book is ending or find another book that peaked my interest and it ends up that I have six to eight stories unfinished!
          Anyway, for those who read my books, I'll try to update soon, but I just haven't been in the mood to write. I'm sorry! But, when I do pick it up again I'll make sure to stock up chapters!