
When your 2 year old wastes ravioli sauce on your phone and had to wait to get a new phone smh 
          	My phone is nowhere near safe with my son lol but new chapters will be coming soon xoxo


Just in case y'all wondering,yes, I am working on a chapter lol The wheels haven't been turning for a minute but I make sure that when something pops in my head for the chapter I add it in.
          But other than that, who's ready for Friday? Ik that I am lol I'm tired looking at these ppl's faces at work lmbo


Book update will be coming soon! I miss being on here  This  writer's block and depression is seriously no joke  But everything is getting better,my life with my now 2 year old son is getting better ✨ I just need the Lord to give me a little push and guidance and I'll have nothing to worry about 


@cynthia_simon Awe that really put a smile on my face like frfr. Everyday I've been feeling bad for not updating and in my head I've been telling myself that if I don't jump back into action I'm going to lose ppl's interest for not doing what I'm supposed to do  and facts you're right on that part ✨


@TemiyahIsrael96 Thank you,you are missed big time. Sending best wishes for you and your son. God never gives you more than you can bare.


Depression hits hard when you gotta force yourself to eat..here I am thinking it's from me being sick for almost two days. Nope! Ding dong, hello it's depression coming to visit me once again  


@TemiyahIsrael96 are you allright, sis? I'm here for you.


Proof reading...I haven't forgotten about y'all. I was reading previous chapters and saw a lot of errors. So,as soon as I get finished I'll publish the next chapter. I'm already half way done with it anyways lol


Praise the Lord haha  I was sad yayyyyy 