
Sorry for not being active. Today was an incredibly rough day for me. My childhood dog had to be put down due to old age and cancer. She lived a long 12 years or possibly more.... I'm gonna miss her so much. If I am not active that is due to me trying to cheer myself up plus work. 


@AmaterasuNoMangaka thank you...
          	   It's been rough but I'm hanging in there


Sorry for not being active. Today was an incredibly rough day for me. My childhood dog had to be put down due to old age and cancer. She lived a long 12 years or possibly more.... I'm gonna miss her so much. If I am not active that is due to me trying to cheer myself up plus work. 


@AmaterasuNoMangaka thank you...
             It's been rough but I'm hanging in there


Haven't been on here for a fat minute! But!!! I WISH YALL A HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! 


@-_TheSun_And_Moon_- hello! Yeah I been on and off of Wattpad! 


Sorry to anyone that I haven't been active! I have been working a lottttttttt and lately my seasonal depression has gotten the best to me mentally and work doesn't help with that. I'll try to respond to you all! Please tag me if I didn't. If I don't even respond to your tag it is because I have lots of other rps to respond to too xD


@TazMainanDevil15 I missed you too, Taz! I'm okay!


@AmaterasuNoMangaka HEY HEY!!! I miss chatting with ya!!! How are you? :3


@TazMainanDevil15 Your Mental & Emotional Health is CRITICALLY important! HEY, TAZ! LONG TIME NO SPEAK!!!


TO MY RPERS on my Dms! This is super important!!! Wattpad is deleting Dms permanently and will no longer be a feature on Wattpad anymore. So if you want to be a dm roleplayer. I have discord! So if you really want to rp with me still,text me on here! If you have a discord please lmk and I will give you my user name. 


//hiii lovely !! i hope you have a super spectacular day today !!! reminder to you that you are loved ,, you are special ,, you are important && you mean so much to me !! take care of yourself today ,, drink water && eat your favorite snack !! love you xx


@-miidniightsxift awww thank you so much! It means a lot! I hope you have an amazing day as well! <3 


Today is my birthday so sorry if I'm not active today! Gonna be out with friends and family!!! 


Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't been active. For the past 3-4 days I have been battling a really bad stomach virus. I had to be sent home early twice in a row from work due to it. I'm feeling a bit better now so hopefully tomorrow I can reply to rps! Thank you for being so patient with me ❤️ 
          ~ Taz 


@TazMainanDevil15 I'm sorry you have to go through that. I may not have experienced it myself, by I can tell that it sucks.


I thought I was free on Easter but it ended up with my family deciding to go out for Easter so I wasn't home. Went to reply today on my laptop since I'm super slow on phone and my laptop had a stupid update that took 5 hours soooooooo I'll have to respond tomorrow morning cuz I have work and UGH I hate being an adult