
Sorry guys for the lack of updates. I've been feeling a bit down and out lately. I promise I'm trying to get back to it. Please be patient with me a little while longer.


I don't know how many of you will read this, but if you do, I'm going to have to change my publishing days, and get myself together. I've been stretching myself thin with a lot of things outside of this wonderful platform. When I figure out a solid day, I'll inform you all ASAP. 
          Please have a good time, all the time! I promise I'm not disappearing... Yet!


Merry Christmas to you all! I hope that you all have a wonderful day, and move into the New Year with a positive change or something of the kind. You're all amazing, and remember, stay kind this next year. Good day/night to you all!


I'm realizing that the first half of my Levi x OC story has a bunch of flaws in it as I read back over it. I may have to go back and fix them at some point, I'm so sorry you guys! It's not as good as I'd hoped for. But I still hope you like it...