
about chapter 13-- I hope it made sense bro because I wrote that lot at 3am while I was dreading to sleep but my mind was having amazing ideas alright. So yes i need to know if any of my philosophy made sense


@Tattersall21  hey!! really loved your book! I was yapping to my mother about it the whole time. Out of context, what is your instagram id? I found your book through reels, and wanted to show them to my friends, but can't find it.


 hi @Tattersall21 and other fellow readers. Uhm...I am new in wattpad so I don't really know how this app works so I am posting this message here...I hope its OK. It is right? Well I just wanted to say that I am a huge mythology nerd and when it read percy jackson I was wondering that why is there not any stories like this on Indian mythology ? So decided to write it but then I found 'aru shah' series which was based in indian mythology and I got excited but while reading I got a little bit disappointed cause I felt it was not very accurate in dome places so I decided to write again but then got distracted ( again! I am very fickle minded I know, sorry ! ) but then when I installed wattpad after watching a reel of this suramaya and finished reading all the available chapters I was soooo happy cause author is such a great writer and has correct knowledge of mythology and philosophy and then inspired by her I started writing my story.
          Now , I was just hoping to find some people here who would be interested to read it. The story will be based on Indian mythology and it will be a reen fiction. I also wanted to give credit to the author for the inspiration. Thank you guys for reading it and if you want me to publish this story then please follow me. It will be a great pleasure to share it with you guys. 
          Thank you. Bye ❣️❤️❤️‍


@littlepartridge21 wait I mean u don't have to follow me! You can just tell me to publish it and then read it and then follow too...I mean I just want a chance..hehe


Hey......I'm a new reader to your book .....it was suggested by a friend and now that I read it I love it ...such beautiful writing and intricately carved characters carefully plotted storyline ...beautiful .....truly a work of art . I'll look forward to the next update . Also I really like Ruchya as a character and also Evara is really refreshing.