
PhilZzZaAa I have a question for yoOoUuU
          	You wanna see Dream SMP the musical? Well here is your chance!
          	Alioof, a wonderful creator, is dropping a trailer! Today!
          	https://youtu.be/MQt31MnXbMc - Trailer
          	https://youtube.com/c/alioof - Youtube Channel
          	The discord is in the the description of the Trailer!


Wow it's been a long time since I've been on this account I'm not coming back I just wanted to say day I'm on a different account it's called Tatsuo Mumbi if you want to visit that even though I don't post your free to ask me for role play I'm in the dream SMP right now so yeah have a good day guys gals and non-binary Pals


Hey to anyone who follows this account, Some IRL happened and I lost the ability to get on this account. I'm gonna try to get back but I have no memory of what Email I used for this so I'm gonna be developing this second account I am on


You know my mom always talks about how I shouldn't focus on my autism because it doesn't Define it but I'm kind of starting to realize that boring about my autism is helping me figure out problems and recently having and it's actually beneficial if I learn more so from my autism instead of denying that I have it or not mentioning it whatsoever yeah sometimes it's not necessarily something I should mention in conversation but I just find it interesting topic I know some stuff about it and it's kind of frustrating when my mom's like you have autism but it doesn't defy you yeah I know that but that doesn't mean that I can't talk about it and can't learn from it


Why is it that we cause destruction when we are angry, whether physical or emotionally, ourselves or our environment? Whenever I picture rage, I see people screaming at each other, a room in ruins, or someone cutting themselves. It's painful to see that can be our nature over small things like a comment. We either destroy ourselves and our self worth or take it out on objects around us. Why do we destroy what we once love?


Hey I have a question about your username


@galaxygamerfan but I prefer gray no offense 


@TatsuoDragneel I'm a fairytail fan as well hello fellow fairytail fan I'm sorry that was random


@galaxygamerfan I'm actually a huge fan of Fairy Tail and Natsu. My first story on here was a Natsu twin clone story