
Hey y’all so our 2nd anniversary is coming up and I just wanted you know I might be discontinuing the cult I might not but I didn’t actually think that we would make it this far and also I’m making a book that’s going to be a news letter for the cult so ya byeeee  


Hey y’all so our 2nd anniversary is coming up and I just wanted you know I might be discontinuing the cult I might not but I didn’t actually think that we would make it this far and also I’m making a book that’s going to be a news letter for the cult so ya byeeee  


Happy New Year everyone! I hope that this year is better than the last. Does anyone have any new year’s resolutions? Anyways remember that you are a beautiful, handsome, gorgeous, human being and you’re loved and valid. May no negative things come your way and positivity will always be with you. 
          Happy new year sinners❤️✨♥️


Hi, hello peoples and persons I just wanted to say that Aug. 30th will be my one-year anniversary on Wattpad and the anniversary for my cult (The Tendou hand cult for simps) so like what do I do to celebrate? If you have any ideas or questions, please PM me.
          For Vice President and Secretary of the Tendou hand cult for simps,  this message is for you : please message me as soon as possible so we can discus the matter at hand. 
          Ps. I hope you’re having a wonderful day/night/morning/afternoon and remember that you are loved and if you need someone to talk to, I’ll be here 


@Taryn_Sinner bake a cake and try and draw tendous hand or the Wattpad logo on it with icing it sounds fun :)


It’s my little sister’s birthday today and she’s turning five. I can’t wait to go see her in the summer. I miss her so much. I honestly can’t remember anything when I was five except for the fact that I was in kindergarten and it was awesome because we had nap time. 
          I’m going to start doing this thing where I ask you people questions every day. 
          Question of the day: what are your plans for the summer? 


I’m working over the summer 


So my now ex-girlfriend broke up with me recently and I was talking to one of my friends today and she said that she showed my ex a picture of me and my ex said that I was ugly. I then told my friend that when me and my ex were together she would always call me beautiful and pretty and had said that’s why she liked me. And then I told my friend, ‘you know what they say’ and my friend was like, ‘what?’ And I said ‘ it’s easy to despise the things you can’t have’ and at that moment I felt like a ✨badie✨ and felt confident for the rest of the day.